Been hanging out in airports during myriad moments in the last two weeks. Finally had a chase to read many essays I'd filed away. Here are random quotes I found interesting.
“ Juno’s (Hera’s) hatred transcends space and history, and it readily
makes enemies of neutrals.”
“In contrast with Achilles, the hero of the
Iliad—who declares at one point that he hates “like the Gates of Death” the man
who says one thing but means another—the hero of the Odyssey has no scruples
about lying to get what he wants…. But all this made him (Odysseus) unbearable to my father” A
Daniel Mendelsohn
When we were getting ready for the welcome cocktail
party, he started to put on a brown polyester shirt, which I snatched from his
hands and threw over the balcony railing into the Aegean. “Daddy! It’s a Mediterranean cruise!
Mom must have packed something blue or white!” “What? A shirt is a
shirt!” Mendelsohn
There was no way I was going into Calypso’s
cave. “What are you talking about?” my father exclaimed when I told him. “You
have to go! Seven-tenths of the Odyssey takes place there!” “Seven-tenths?” I
had no idea what he was talking about. “The epic is twenty-four books
long—” “Math, Dan! Math.
Odysseus spends ten years getting home, right?” I nodded. “And he
spends seven years with Calypso, right?” I nodded again. So, in
theory, seven-tenths of the Odyssey actually takes place there! You can’t miss
it!” Mendelsohn
we saw the sea, always the sea, with its many faces,
glass- smooth and stone-rough...and sometimes an impenetrable purple, the color
of the wine that we refer to as red but the Greeks call black. Mendelsohn
The apostrophe marks a juncture at which a
significant step is taken by Patroclus away from the boundaries set by
Achilles, and closer to his doom. Revisiting the Apostrophes
to Patroclus in Iliad 16, by Emily Allen-Hornblower
And indeed when Bellerophon was brought down to the Aleïan Plain and was moving about in blindness because of his fall, Pegasus was traveling up and down. Tzetes scholia on Lycophron 17 Is it possible that Bellephron's fall from the shoulders of imagination and inspiration manifest (Pegasus) to this plane is indicative of his lose of second sight?
Ixion’s attack on Leto consort of Zeus (Lêtô gar hêlkêse, Dios kudrên
parakoitin), is given by Homer as the transgression. ".
Iliad 6.201: Did Bellerophon Wander Blindly? I thought it was
Hera. The author is thinking of the Giant Tityusm. Please see below;
"I [Odysseus in Haides]
saw Tityos (Tityus) also, son of the mighty goddess Gaia (Gaea, Earth); he lay
on the ground, his bulk stretched out over nine roods. Two vultures, one on
each side of him, sat and kept plucking at his liver, reaching down to the very
bowels; he could not beat them off with his hands. And this was because he had
once assaulted a mistress of Zeus himself, the far-famed Leto, as she walked
towards Pytho through the lovely spaces of Panopeus." Homer, Odyssey 11. 580 ff
In sum, Bellerophon’s blindness reported by the
Tzetzes scholia in conjunction with the B scholia to 165 reporting that
Bellerophon spied on heaven is consistent with various features of stories
involving other characters punished for seeing the divine illicit and then
disclosing it. Iliad
6.201: Did Bellerophon Wander Blindly?
"Paramonos, son of Euhodos, from Piraeus,
Athenian ephebe. Having felt joy together with many others many times in my few
years, I lie here below, struck by deep sleep. Occupying a place among the
stars together with Kastor and Pollux, I am a new Theseus." quoted by Chaniotis in his notes, To Encounter a Hero: Localization and Travel
in Hellenistic Hero Cults, Ellen Bradshaw Aitken