Thursday, August 8, 2013

TLtS:Pareto's Analysis and More

Pareto’s Analysis
Pareto’s Analysis was formulated by an Italian economist, the Marquis Wilfredo Pareto. He determined that fifteen percent of the people of Milan possessed eighty-five percent of its wealth. Joseph Juran expanded and improved. eighty percent of the profits derive from twenty percent of the sales, or eighty percent of the revenue derives from twenty percent of the customers, twenty percent of the cars cause eighty percent of the traffic, twenty percent of the employees cause eighty percent of the boss’ headaches.

"If someone appears seriously ill, heat up a cast iron frying pan, run outside and hit it really hard with a hammer until it breaks. After which, bury the pieces and the person get better. This ritual pretends to “breaking a fever”. This reminds me of the Greek myth of a difficult birth. Someone said the child would die about the same time the last long on the fire burned up. The quick thinking midwife grabbed the log with her bare hand, plunged it into a vat of water (quenched the fever) wrapped up the log and buried it somewhere in the basement.

A Dozen
A dozen mighty lords and ladies sit upon the gilded thrones of Olympus. A dozen beautiful horaes accompany me during the day and a dozen horaes in a blessed night. So five-dozen minutes in a fleeting hour. Roughly five dozen time five dozen days in a year. So three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle.

This country was surveyed from sea to shining sea by townships. A township equals three dozen “sections”. A section is a mile wide. A mile is eighty chains long. “Chains” are four rods long.

This explains the placement of telephone poles, fence posts and the stays in posts and the stays in bob-wire fences. A “rod” is sixteen and a half feet.   A foot can be divided into a dozen inches. After time and distance pretty much everything else seems based on;
• the number Pi (3.1415926…),
• the Golden Section (1.61803 39887...) or conversely (0.61803 39887...)
• and the Fibonacci Series (1,2,3,5,8,13…)

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