Over at the Kosmos Society we’ve been
discussing “thresholds” in the forums.
on Crossing the Threshold
You know me. I am going
to the Iliad for examples. As I started collecting I noticed something; a taboo
on crossing the threshold;
Hector of the shining helmet left her, [Iliad 6.370] and right away was at his
own house. He did not find Andromache of the white arms, for she was on the
wall with her child and one of her maids, weeping bitterly. Seeing, then, that
she was not within, [375] he stood
on the threshold of the women’s rooms
Okay that makes sense.
Other women might be naked in there.
was also supplicated many times by the old charioteer Oineus, 9.582 who was standing at the threshold of the
chamber with the high ceiling 583 and beating at the locked double door, hoping
to supplicate him by touching his knees. 584
Oineus has an excuse for
not crossing, but the bottom line is he cannot.
19.91 That goddess Atē, senior daughter of Zeus—she makes everyone veer
off-course [aâsthai], 92 that disastrous one [oulomenē], the one who has
delicate steps. She never makes contact
with the ground of the threshold, 93 never even going near it,
That looks pretty
specific about not crossing it
[Iliad 23:200] They were holding high feast in the house of boisterous
Zephyros when Iris came running up to
the stone threshold of the house and stood there,
Not even Iris in an
emergency can cross the threshold?
I have just glanced at
the Odyssey, but it looks like every time he enters the palace at Phaeancia, he
paused before crossing the threshold.
From Olympus
caught any one of them I gripped him and hurled him from the heavenly threshold
till he came fainting down to earth;” (Iliad 15.25)
Getting tossed over the
celestial threshold like Ate (Homer Iliad19.126) and Hephaestus, is
not a good thing. Generally such daemons can’t re-cross the threshold.
Changing Form when Crossing the Threshold
I noticed something about
Athena crossing the celestial threshold; it might be universal. Goddesses change form when they cross the threshold. Maybe that is why Iris and Ate were reluctant
to cross it. For
“As for Athena, daughter of Zeus who has the aegis, she let her woven
robe slip off at the threshold of her father, her pattern-woven peplos, the one
that she herself made and worked on with her own hands. And, putting on the
khiton of Zeus the gatherer of clouds, with armor she armed herself to go to
war, which brings tears.” (Iliad 5.733-738)
She reenacts the scene at
[Iliad 8.385]. Strange place to change
clothes, but it is more than that. We
talked about this before; gods taking on new forms. She starts out as Zeus’ favorite daughter and
ends up wearing his clothes and armor while bearing the awesome aegis before
here. Homer’s account turns her into a
stand-in for Zeus, maybe in appearance too, like Patroclus in Achilles armor.
Mourning Demeter
disguised as an elderly woman unthinking reveals herself when she cross the
“Soon they came to the house of
heaven-nurtured Celeus and went through the portico . . . the goddess walked to
the threshold: and her head reached the roof and she filled the doorway with a
heavenly radiance.”
HH Demeter
Athena as Mentor seems to
recognize the risk of crossing the threshold for when “she took the form and voice of Mentor, and called Telemachus to come
outside.” (Od 2.400] Unless I missed it all their conversations
were outside the sacred threshold of Odysseus house until just before the big
battle scene (Od 22.210-241) where she enters the house as Mentor, Odysseus
recognizes her as Athena and then she turns into swallow.
Oh I expected to find a
problem with thresholds and the goddess' maiden form in the HH to
Aphrodite. But she kept her form when
she crossed Anchises' threshold. Can I cheat here? Her true form was revealed to him in the
morning twilight at the threshold of sleep.
for Supplicants
There are several
examples of Odysseus as a supplicant sitting on the threshold at Aeolus’ place
and, while in disguise, several times at this own places. I think we can see
another example in Polynices and Tydeus at Adrastus’ door.
But, I think a threshold
in this scenario is just a sacred place for a supplicant. Like Zeus’ knees t
(Ilaid 1.500) when Thetis seized his knees and besought him or like Arete’s
hidden by the cloak of darkness in which Athena had enveloped him, till he
reached Arete and King Alkinoos; then he laid his hands upon the knees of the
queen, and at that moment the miraculous darkness fell away from him and he
became visible. Everyone was speechless with surprise at seeing a man there,”
(Odyssey 7.140-145)
Or the hearth in lieu an
altar (or as the family altar)
he sat down on the hearth among the ashes and they all held their peace,[7.154-155]
The Aeacides and Thresholds
Achilles says; “My life is worth more to me than … all the treasure that is stored
inside when you enter the stone threshold of the one who shoots, Phoebus
Apollo, at rocky Pytho.” (Iliad 9.401-406)
Ironically, his son Neoptolemos goes to Delphi where when “he is refused the satisfaction demanded for
Achilles’ death before Troy, (he) plunders the sanctuary and sets fire to the
temple.”(i ) There are several different myths about Neoptolemus’ visit to
Delphi, but all agree that he was killed and “buried beneath the threshold of the temple, presumably where he fell.”(ii) Pausanias tells us that Neoptolemus’ shrine
was actually to the left as you passed out of the temple and over the threshold
[10.24.6] And that when the Gauls attempted to, plunder all the treasure that
is stored inside sanctuary Neoptelomus and two other heroes arose from their
graves to insure that the Gauls did not cross the threshold. (1.4.4)
i Neoptolemos at Delphi, Emilio Suárez de la Torro, Kernos, 10 (1997), p.153-176
ii Neoptolemus at Delphi: Pindar,” Nem.” 7.30 ff. L Woodbury – Phoenix, 1979 – JSTOR
i Neoptolemos at Delphi, Emilio Suárez de la Torro, Kernos, 10 (1997), p.153-176
ii Neoptolemus at Delphi: Pindar,” Nem.” 7.30 ff. L Woodbury – Phoenix, 1979 – JSTOR
Thresholds Below
We’ve discussed celestial and mortal thresholds
how about a transmission to those below; “Grandchild of Atlas,
Arcadian-born, deity that sharest hell and heaven, thou who alone hast the right
to cross either threshold.” (The Rape
of Proserpine Claudian 1.89) I think
we talked about this in HeroesX. Hermes
was one of the few gods who passed lightly into the Underworld. Plus there is a taboo on the Olympians
fraternizing with the children of Night.
The bronze thresholds of
Tartarus/Hades are unpassable, maybe even to gods. Cerberus standing on the
threshold would make one pause as would the Hecatoncheires.
“here by the counsel of Zeus who drives the clouds the Titan gods are
hidden under misty gloom, in a dank place where are the ends of the huge earth.
And they may not go out; for Poseidon fixed gates of bronze upon it, and a wall
runs all round it on every side. There Gyes and Kottos and great-souled
Obriareos live, trusty warders of Zeus who holds the Aegis (Hesiod,
“There [in Tartarus] stands the awful home of murky Nyx (Night) wrapped
in dark clouds. In front of it the son [Titan Atlas] of Iapetus stands
immovably upholding the wide heaven upon his head and unwearying hands, where
Nyx (Night) and Hemera (Day) draw near and greet one another as they pass the
great threshold of bronze (Theogony)
“And there [in Erebus, beyond Oceanus at the ends of the earth,], all in
their order, are the sources and ends of the dark earth (ge) and misty Tartarus and the
unfruitful sea (pontos) and
starry heaven (ouranos),
loathsome and dank, which even the gods abhor. And there are shining gates and
an immoveable threshold of bronze having unending roots and it is grown of
itself. And beyond, away from all the gods, live the Titans, beyond gloomy Chaos."
Guardians at the threshold
I don’t know what to say
about the various guardians at the thresholds
The daemoness Campe preceded the Hectanshieres as guardian of the bronze
threshold of Tartarus, but we know nothing of her expect that Cronus killed
her. We touched on Cerberus standing on
the threshold of Hades. His adoption in
the Olympian hierarchy along with other
of his siblings in the brood of Echidna and the Hectanshieres incorporation might
reflect an effort to include creatures that could be enemies if not made
friends. We discussed Neoptolemus guarding Delphi. But there is there is no Heimdall in Greek
myth. He was the god in Norse mythology
who guarded the Aesir from the prophesied attack by the Giants. No watchman alerted Olympus when the Giants
attacked twice. But what about Heracles as guardian of the
celestial threshold. Heracles was the
last threat to the Olympians political structure. He was adopted by Hera and
wed to Hebe.
Did Heracles “porter duties” (Graves)
include watchman over the celestial threshold?
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