Friday, November 3, 2017

TFBT: Quotes October

“It all works out in the end cuz you can’t get to the end until it all works out.”  Dirk Gently

“Films are like life with the boring bits cut out" Alfred Hitchcock. 

Χρυ_σηίς : daughter of Chryses, Chrysēïs, Her proper name was Astynome” Perseus Greek Word Study Tool 

“Brisēís also known as Hippodameia .  Her character lies at the heart of a dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon that drives the plot of Homer's Iliad.    In Greek Mythology, Briseis, a daughter of Briseus, was a princess of Lyrnessus. “. Wikipedia 

“You are the only one you’re fooling, when you put down what you don’t understand.” Kris Kristofferson

“I been obnoxious.  I been unconscious.  I been all kinds of things that are hard to spell. I've been unruly, speakin' truly. I've been so cool, I couldn't hardly even stand myself.” Stephen Bruton & John "00" Fleming

“Oh, you can go on forever and make the same mistakes.  Or you can stand up on your hind legs and change your fate.” Stephen Bruton & John "00" Fleming

“go forth, taking a shapely oar, until thou comest to men that know naught of the sea ...And I will tell thee a sign right manifest, which will not escape thee. When another wayfarer, on meeting thee, shall say that thou hast a winnowing-fan on thy stout shoulder, then do thou fix in the earth thy shapely oar and make goodly offerings to lord Poseidon”. Odyssey Xi

Every hour of our lives seems to be a test.  Greg Nagy

“gods and god-born heroes Whose arm with righteous death could tame Grim Centaurs, tame Chimaeras fell, Out-breathing flame” Horace Ode 4.2

The best way to deal with temporal paradoxes is not to think about them.— Captain Kathryn Janeway Star Trek: Voyager

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