Friday, September 6, 2013

TFBT: Random Notes from 1CB22.1x and Jim Thorpe

As I am sure most of my readers know I just completed CB22x, The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours, an online course from Harvard through Edx.  Reviews talk about the course being a life-changing event.  I agree and that's in a good way!  So I am taking CB22.1x  These are my random notes from Hours 0 and 1. 

The Ancient Greek tragedy, "Oedipus at Colonus" by Sophocles reenacts the death of Oedipus, King of Thebes and slayer of the Sphinx.  Both Thebes and Athens wanted to be his burial site. Jim Thorpe seems to be in the same situation, with his sons and city battling for this body.
The Athenians hid the body, I wonder the people in Pennsylvania are as smart.

Achilles speaking of that Asian war; “I have no quarrel with them. They have not raided my cattle nor my horses, nor cut down my harvests on the rich plains of Phthia; for between me and them there is a great space, both mountain and sounding sea.  Iliad 1:154.

“When (Iphidamas) reached the stage of adolescence, which brings luminous glory, ( Kissēs) wanted to keep him at home and to give him his own daughter in marriage,  but as soon as [ Iphidamas] had married, he left the bride chamber and went off seeking the kleos of the Achaeans  along with twelve curved ships that followed him."  Iliad XI 225-28  His story sure sounds like Protesilaus the first of the Achaeans to die.  “warlike Protesilaus, while yet he lived; howbeit ere now the black earth held him fast. His wife, her two cheeks torn in wailing, was left in Phylace and his house but half established” Iliad 2. 638

Iliad1:525 “See, I incline my head that you believe me. This is the most solemn act that I can give to any god. I never retract my word, or deceive, or fail to do what I say, when I have nodded my head.”

“The blessed gods laughed out a loud approval as they saw him bustling about the celestial dwellings. Thus through the livelong day to the going down of the sun they feasted, and all had their full share, so that everyone was satisfied. Apollo struck his lyre, and the Muses lifted up their sweet voices, calling out and making response to one another. But when the sun’s glorious light had faded, they went home to bed, each in his own abode, which lame Hephaestus with his consummate skill had fashioned for them. So Zeus, the Olympian Lord of Thunder, hastened to the bed in which he always slept; and when he had got on top of it he went to sleep, with Hera of the golden throne by his side.”  Iliad 1.599-610  I hope your life is just as sweet.

Internalizing in this context may perhaps be compared to planting seeds in our subconscious. We are entering a new, (yet very old) dimension. We cannot expect to understand what is really happening on first contact. We must suspend "rational" judgment and allow the song to sing. Through slow reading we are opening the door; we are planting suggestions that will in time flower to allow us a deeper understanding of what Homer is really trying to tell us. It is indeed an epic journey. We are told that if we are patient, and if we can endure, we will be well rewarded.”  Fellow student “Flying Cloud” in CB22.1

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