Saturday, October 5, 2013

Random Notes 10.CB22.1x

I’ve stated before that my Harvard on-line class; “The Ancient Greek Hero” helps with my understanding of scripture.  Here are few similarities I’ve seen lately.
·        Now the Cyclopes neither plant nor plow, but trust in providence, and live on such wheat, barley, and grapes as grow wild without any kind of tillage, and their wild grapes yield them wine as the sun and the rain may grow them. (Odyssey 9.109) That reminded me of “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.” Matt 6:26 
·        She passed through the midst of us without our knowing it, for who can see the comings and goings of a god, if the god does not wish to be seen? (Odyssey 10.573) Which recalled of JesusBut passing through their midst, He went on His way.  Luke 4.30

Odysseus changes from the brave leader of the Cephalonians into a man who in succession loses his fleet, his ship, his friends, his filotimo, his raft and his clothes. Classmate Rien from CB22.1x

Why are Atlas, Aeetes and Minos "magicians"?  (Odyssey; 1.52, 10.136 and 11.322)  Apparently, the word used here can also mean poisoner.  (Just like “witch” in the Old Testament.)  I understand that calling Atlas a sorcerer is pro-Olympian propaganda against the sons of Iapetus.  Calling Aeetes a “magician” isn’t a stretch with his sister being Circe and daughter being Medea.   But Minos a “magician”?  Where’s this coming from?

In class we constantly compare Achilles and Odysseus; brawn vs. brain, bia vs. metis; no homecoming vs. a famous homecoming.  But here is another difference.  Achilles men made it home, Odysseus’ didn’t;

“They say the Myrmidons returned home safely under great-hearted Achilles’ glorious son Neoptolemos” (Odyssey 3.189.)
Odysseus was  “seeking… to achieve the safe homecoming of his companions: but… they perished .” (Odyssey 1:6)


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